Hello World. That's usually the first set of words you output when writing your first program when learning computer science. I thought it would fitting for my first blog post.
I am Steven. A passionate photographer.
I've spent most of my life building the foundation of my software engineering career while putting my photography passion aside. Now that the foundation is built, my main focus is now on my photography alias.
I've started photography in my junior year of high school (It's been two years since I graduated.) which allows me to say I have about 8 years of experience. That's pretty awesome, I would have never guessed that I would be where I am when I decided to take up photography as a hobby. I started with a really old digital camera with a really bad lens in retrospect. I had no way to learn photography from someone in person so I just shot shot shot. I learned on my own through trial and error with the help of youtube. Thank goodness for the internet.
I'm never satisfied with my current skill level
I'm always finding ways to improve my photography and am never complacent. My current style could be described as muted saturation with lifted blacks. I love things that look dramatic and moody.